Overseas clubs
Friendly Associations
友好団体 | |
CHINA KENNEL ASSOCIATION-R.O.C 中華民国育犬協会(CKA) 台湾省育犬協会(TKA) | 中華民国台湾省 高雄市鳳山区鳳林路 174之1號3F 〒83054 tel:886-7-7837099 |
理事長 許 正雲 | |
THE COLONIAL SHIBA CLUB.INC コロニアル柴クラブ | 617 E. Oak St., Greenville, IL 62246 e-mail(日本語OK): fairwyn@verizon.net ysuzuki152@msn.com |
SHIBA NO KAI | Isbergavagen 25 SE-125 55 Alvsjo SWEDEN tel:+46-8-883-080 |
代表 Christina Nordlund Johnson | |
Russian Nippo Club ロシア日保クラブ | str.Korolenko 3-B Vladivostok,690024 RUSSIA tel:+7-902-555-6680 |
代表 Demisheva Zhanna | |
韓国日本犬クラブ | 韓国京畿道安城市一竹面和谷里 495-22 Tel:010-8624-9087 |
代表 金鎭和 | |
中国名将犬業クラブ(NGKC) | 中国北京市亦庄経済開発区栄華南路大族広場T5 902室 Tel:8610-67897460 |
代表:王 武 | |
World Society of Shikoku ken(WSSK) | Csapo Dulol 2713 Csemo Pest HUNGARY |
代表:Egitte van Veghel | |
AKITA CUP e SHIBA NIPPO SHOW | Via Trento,37 42042 Fabbrico(RE) Italy |
Dissolution of the BSA (Beikoku Shiba Inu Aikokai)
The first BSA exhibition was held in Gardiner, California in January 1986 to assist in the proper development of the Shiba Inu in the United States of America. Until the 30th exhibition held in March of 2016, the exhibition had been held continuously for 30 years, with the exception of 2001, when the simultaneous terrorist attacks occurred. Centered around Los Angeles in the western United States, the organization had been engaged in pioneering activities for the development of the Nihon Ken overseas, but was disbanded on December 31, 2016.
Regarding NIPPO Grand National Entries From Overseas
Starting from the 114th National Exhibition in 2017, it will be possible for overseas members to enter their dogs at the Grand National. In addition to the domestic exhibition regulations, the following documents are required.
- National Exhibition Entry Application(attached to the front of newsletter No. 3)
- National Exhibition Entry Certificate(issue by certifying foreign organization)
- Copy of your dog's pedigree issued by your registry(not required in case of NIPPO pedigree)
- Exhibition fee: 10,000JPY(mailed along with documents to headquarters)
- Copy of your NIPPO membership card
(*Non-members will need to complete the membership admission procedure at the same time as the entry application. Enrollment fee: 3,000JPY Annual membership fee: 5,000JPY)
Please make sure to send the above documents before the Grand National Exhibition entry deadline. If there are any deficiencies, you will not be able to exhibit your dog, so please complete the procedures at your earliest convenience.